Hawthorn Thistleberry

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    Guild Specific Info

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    General Info

    Trade Skills:

    Westemnet Tinker (Prospector, Jeweller, Cook)

    Character Skills:

    Traited for AoE

    Keys and Attunments:


    Character Bio:

    Grew up in Caras Galadhon, and spent several centuries in the guard for the Lord and Lady, though not of any particular rank or importance. When the Galadhrim were forming a contingent of Malledhrim to venture into Mirkwood, she volunteered; however, Lady Galadriel singled her out and denied the offer, saying she had a different fate, and sent her on a long voyage that has yet to end.
    No FB Yes FB Hand (smaller) Lap 40.063em Desk 64.063em Wall 90.063em